Thursday, June 29, 2006

Class of 2006 - Grade 7 Grad - Wed June 28'06

These days it’s a big deal to finish 7 years (8 if you include Kindergarten) of Elementary school and it is celebrated by their very own ‘Grad’. (I suppose it is a ‘prom’ in the US.)
The Graduation Assembly was Wednesday afternoon, and it went really well and I'm really glad I went.
Aaron and I were recognised along with maybe 8 other families for having attended since Kindgergarten. Aaron and I and all the kids and parents had to go up front and he presented me with 'the gift of Thyme'. An herb plant in a Thompson school coffee mug. I cried a bit!

Aaron did an excellent presentation for the Learning Assistance teacher thanking her for her help through the year. He also received recognition as a Reading Partner for the younger kids. It was great hearing his name announced so many times!There was a great slide show presentation at the end of the whole school of pictures taken throughout the year. That sure brought tears to my eyes too!

Aaron doing his presentation.

Proud mom and Aaron.

So I’m very pleased with the changes I have seen in my body. Keeping in mind (I believe) that the changes I made 3-4 weeks ago started showing up this week.

1.) I cut back and sometimes eliminated wine during the week.
2.) Had structured feeding times. (every 2-3 hours.) Drank 1-2 cups ofreg. tea in a.m. and one decaf green tea in the afternoon. Also been diligent about water intake. (10 cups a day)
3.) I was doing the trainer from the gym’s workout for 4 weeks which I did because it wastime to change from my previous BFL routine. It was 3 sets of 12 reps increasing weights each rep.
4.) At this same time I started doing weights and cardio in Fat Burning zone. (walking on treadmill after lifting) 40 mins workouts.
5.) Two weeks ago I started doing the Kinetix workouts again. One bodypart, 2 exercises, (x15 x10 x5 x5 x10 x15) and 20 mins. HIT running ontreadmill (40 mins workout)
6.) I'm trying to eat more Kinetix meals but I don't eat as manycalories as they want me to.
7.) Going for a run Saturday and or Sunday mornings on empty stomach (well, after a cuppa tea)
8.) Been taking LeanXP (fat burner, appetite suppressant, carb blocker -so they say). I don't care about the appetite supp. Or the carb blockerbecause that hasn't been a problem for me but something sure seems to be helping!

I hope to have pictures taken this weekend! Bill has surprised me and will be flying out Saturday afternoon and taking a Red Eye back to Calgary on Monday night. I am pleasantly surprised for sure! Its Canada Day Long Weekend!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Been Away Too Long

Apologies to all my readers for my long absence (again). I am really impressed with all you prolific writers. You do so well keeping your blogs up-to-date and you all are so interesting!

I am well. I am thrilled today to find that the scale read 133.4 lbs! Wahoo! I wore a suit today that I bought 3 years ago from the Victoria Secret catalogue. It never fit me until late last week and I think it fits better today than it did then! I sure got a lot of compliments on it! It’s a beige suit and I wore a white camisole and black belt and black sandals. (just like the catalogue picture pretty much!)

Obviously it is so out of the norm for me to dress nice and be so well presented that's why I got so many comments. Even my former manager, a man, walked by in the hall and said "WOW". I smiled demurely and said 'thank you'. That was all there was to the exchange. I wish Bill could see - he wants me to send him a picture but all got was a picture from my cell phone and it isn't great but it'll do. Perhaps its just as well [that he's out of town]. I might have had to call in a sick day.

I know many of you will identify with this 'thing' that some of us have. You know when you feel bad about yourself you dress badly? I feel like I'd been dressing like a bag lady. Well, for the last couple of weeks I've been seeing improvements in my body. Things are starting to pay off! I know in the past the time I start seeing these things is when I start to slack or sabotage myself. I really endeavor not to let that happen this time. What is the problem? Why do we do that? I guess I fear looking good. But that's all I want! Okay, living healthily is the goal too, but appearance certainly is something I fixate on.

So one of the reasons I've not blogged in awhile is that the new laptop I got at the beginning of May was a complete LEMON! It crashed constantly and the main problem I suppose was the memory. They asked ME to open it up and 're-seat' the memory card. I couldn't even get the bloody thing out. I was on the phone with the help desk guy and sweating like it was my first open-heart surgery. I subsequently broke one of the holding pins. The guy says 'okay well, you can close it up now and we'll send you a replacement laptop.' So, it was mid-to end of May when I got my new laptop and its been working well from the get go. At the same time at the beginning of May the desktop computer crashed and Bill fixed it when he was in town for the Victoria Day Long Weekend. Not the best way for him to spend his time at home (he's working in Calgary) but I really appreciated it. But now, it is dead again I can't seem to access some files that are supposed to be on the network - so they must be on that hard drive.

That's all for today - TTYL