Friday, July 28, 2006


I am so glad that I have call display. I can choose the calls I’m going to answer and believe me, it is my choice/right to do so. I CANNOT believe the number of 1-800 calls I get in a day. Today I got 8! Luckily I wasn’t home for them! But as I was always taught – if it's important they will leave a message. These guys never do. Sometimes, I get so sick and tired of seeing the same number on my call display I will pick up the phone. I hear the pause while the telemarketer hangs up all his other auto-dial numbers and tries to get me and I hang up. IF I’M REALLY FED UP, I answer and let them speak and tell them I only answered because I’m sick and tired of seeing their number and disturbing me. Gee whiz! If I want something I’m going to go out and get it! I’m not going to wait for someone to call me out of the blue and sell me something! I DO pity the person who does that job. No apologies. There are other jobs out there. I would never do this job. This is an invasion of my life, let alone privacy.


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