Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hello Sports Fans!

Again, it’s so nice having my blends check on me. Everything is fine. I guess I'm just adjusting to the changes in my life. My Significant Other was here for the long Easter Weekend and we had a really good time. My son, Aaron, is now back with his dad for two weeks so I am all on my own again. That's what I'm talking about when I say I'm adjusting to the changes in my life. I guess it is constant change. But it is not a bad thing. Aaron's dad just lives a minute away by foot in a neighbouring townhouse complex so I see him whenever he's forgotten something and you know how often that is when you have a 12 year old! The S.O. will be out again for the May long weekend May 20 - 22. We bought him a really skookum travel bag for his golf clubs so he will be lugging them back and forth from Calgary. I'm going to reserve a tee time for us for May 21st.
Have I mentioned that I joined a lady's Golf Club to help me spend my spare time and make friends - and keep active? Golf for Gals provides the opportunity to play a short round (Twilight) after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and they have Saturday tee times too. I also get to go to seminars and specialty lessons. There's a swing lesson coming up in May I'm going to sign up for. Last July my S.O. and I golfed for a day up in Kelowna and really enjoyed it so we intend to do a lot more of it and make our vacations golf holidays.
On the Fitness front, I recently had my Body Fat professionally tested at my gym and I had a program put together for myself. Firstly, BF% came in at 25.13%. She did a 10 point caliper test. That sure is nothing to be excited about but it is better than I was back in Aug. 2004!

Aug. 30'04 Oct. 18'04 Apr. 6'06
Cheek 14 11 12.5
Chin 15 13 14
Chest 28 23 20
tricep 28 24 24
Subscapular 23 17 15
Midcostal 25 13.5 15
suprailiac 19 15.5 15
abdominal 20 15 18
suprapatellar 21 19 17
midcalf 24 18.5 22

217 169.5 172.5
% BF 29% 25% 25.13%
BF Weight 40.7 lbs 33.6 lbs 34.5 lbs
Lean Body Mass 99.8 lbs 100.9 lbs 102.7 lbs.

Height 5'4" 5'4"

Weight 140.5 134.5 137.2
Surface Area 1.7 1.68 1.68
Shoulders 41.5 41.5 42.5
Chest 37 35.75 36.5
Bicep 12.2 12.25 12.25
Waist 30 28.75 30
Hips 39.75 39.5 39
Thigh 23 22.75 22.75
Calf 15 14.75 15

Okay, now I see quite a discrepancy in the Lean body mass above over the three measurement periods. The tests were all done by the same lady but she does seem like a bit of an airhead to me. I don't see how the LBM at the highest BF% can be less than the other two LBM's. at lower BF percentages.

I decided to get a program put together for me because I feel my body really needs a major change up in routine. I had been re-starting at the beginning every time and I feel my body was just really used to it.

So now that Easter and all the chocolate that comes with it is done and over with I should really have a chance at achieving my goals. My S.O. is gone for 5 weeks so I won't have the Friday Pizzas dragging me down. All in all eating should be much lighter simply because I am not inspired to cook a lot of food or things that may be more complicated or serves 4 people. Also with Bill gone I really have nothing to do but concentrate on me.

Now that is something quite different - concentrating on me. It is really funny how when I'm alone there doesn't seem to be pressure to clean or tidy, cook, prepare for up-coming week. It all just seems to be a bit more…relaxed. And I’m not saying I’m living in a pile of filth! I am more on top of things. After all, if I’m looking at a mess now – it’s gotta be MY mess now, eh? Okay, the kitty litter that is tracked along the floor isn’t my fault (its Lucy’s!) but somehow, I have the energy and certainly the time now to deal with it right away and not groan and put it off until I’m in the mood. (i.e. weekend, with glass of wine in hand.)

God, The Universe and the Way Things Work Out
I am not a ‘religious’ person per se but I am quite spiritual. I have many examples from this weekend alone of Divine Intervention or The Way Things Work Out- fully attributable to God, the Universe, Angels or Fairies. When you are ‘in tune’ to these, things just go your way…I was SO looking forward to may hair cut on Monday but my S.O. recorded the appointment time wrong in his PDA. (we think the time might have been adjusted due to Daylight Savings Time but that doesn’t matter) We thought it was 11:30 but in fact it was 10:30 so the girl didn’t have time for my cut and colour but at least Bill got his hair cut. (he really needed it!) The silver lining here is that I am OFF THE HOOK having to go see Bill’s hair stylist now! I can go back to my regular girl without guilt. Now that Bill is in Calgary I’m certainly not going to go downtown by myself for a hair appointment. She’s good sure, but not worth the trouble of me going down there on my own when I don’t get a lunch or dinner out of the deal from Bill.
Back tracking a little to Sunday – Aaron, spent the day with a friend. Conversation came around to summer day camp where they met a few years ago. He mentioned the week-long destination camp he has gone on every year. His dad was there, we talked about it and I said I would love to get more info from you if you can get it. He had a camp brochure right there and said it was extra and I was welcome to take it. My heart is so full that I can make it possible for Aaron to go to this camp with his friend for a whole week this summer. He told us exactly which week he attends and it is very likely they would be housed in the same cabin. Aaron is going to have a ball! I registered him on line – we’re just waiting for confirmation. It’s only because my S.O. is now working and we will be completely solvent in the next month that this is possible. I wouldn’t normally be able to afford this. Things are certainly looking up for us and I am so thankful.
I was looking forward to a good LBWO today on my new plan but I didn’t have my runners in my gym bag or in my locker at the office, so I couldn’t work out. Instead I returned some slacks (that fit awfully) to Sears Catalogue desk on my lunch hour. I felt gassy and grumbly – really uncomfortable - “down there” all morning so I thought I would go home to see what I could do about that. I had a little bit of relief but as I was sitting down to lunch, the door bell rang! I had a delivery and I was home to receive it by coincidence (or Divine Plan!). I am expecting a few items delivered to the house but TODAY – it was my Colonix order! Yipee! I was also home when my son called me on my mobile phone to say that he forgot his homework and if I had a break coming up could I deliver it to the school? Isn’t he LUCKY his mom was home and I was able to find it and deliver it on my way back to the office! I also seized this opportunity to deliver the 3 bags of clothing to his school that help to offset the cost of his school camping trip coming up in May…life is good when you believe…


Blogger FV Tom said...

Hey there!

Life is indeed good when you believe! I totally believe!

Colonix? How's that going for you?

That's cool that Aaron will be going to camp with his friend. I can tell how happy it makes you!

be good.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Pearson said...

Hey Tom! Things are going smoothly, if I do say so. Colonix has been good. Nothing out of the ordinary as far as timing. And there's been unusal to say good bye to.

6:43 PM  

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