Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Back At It

Today's Quote
Usually, when you go to someone's house they offer you coffee. They say, "You want some coffee?" I tell them, "No thanks, I have coffee at home. But I could use a little pancake mix." I try to get the things I need.
- George Carlin

I got myself back to the gym today after an 8 day absence. I had been suffering headaches for a while there so missed one or two because of that. Took a day to go the dentist to investigate the cause of the headaches - but she had nothing to offer, just to watch grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw. Took Bill to the airport one day. It all adds up. So today I thought I would take it easy getting back into the swing of things. I did 15 mins on the elliptical and 15 mins on the treadmill running at 4.0. Average HR was 154. It felt good but I know I could push more. Isn't it great when everything is working right? No complaints from the feet or the knees or the hips or lungs? Just go go go. The last song on my MP3 was GREAT! It was Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf. Now THAT is a great cardio tune.

27 days left in this challenge and I want to do well. Tracker friends have put me to shame with their dedication and motivation. I've been thinking about it quite a bit and I have identified one of my problems is that I don't like competition. I don't like to PUT expectations on myself for fear of failure. Pretty pathetic isn't it? Everyone says set goals, but for me setting a goal is setting myself up for failure. Ack! Kick me!
Seems like I am only willing to go so far. I shudder to think of a trainer pushing me, egging me on. I believe this comes from when I was a child. Hated seeing the kids tease each other, push each other, compete and put down others. I just wanted everyone to be nice and get along. I'm not saying I go for mediocrity and equality. My son's school seems to subscribe to that. Sports day has no individual 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. They get 'participant' ribbons for each event. The team houses are colours and not mighty Greek Gods like when I was in Elementary school. I just don't get how "participant" gets them ready for the real world. "Thank you for showing up in life, carry on in mediocrity." Is that the kind of doctor we want working on us? The kind of leaders we want in government? BAH! I'm getting off topic.

It shouldn't be that hard. I just want to lose 10lbs. I weigh 135. 125 is the goal but 130 would probably look mighty fine too. But as Leonard Cohen would say "Why not ask for more?".
I do well during the week. I work out at lunch across the street from the office. We have a good cafeteria here for those times I don't bring lunch or heaven forbid, my snacks (mid-meals in BFL speak). I eat 5-6 times a day. I have a balanced MRP for breakfast, balanced snack, good enough lunch from the cafe if its not leftovers from dinner, balanced pm snack and dinner is usually pretty balanced or at least lean and low fat/low carb. Weekends are not as good. Can't be bothered to make a 'proper' breakfast for myself - it is not my favourite meal of the day anyway. I'm funny that way. I'll make my son a cooked breakfast every weekend. Eggs with sausage or bacon. Sometimes pancakes. I'm not tempted by it. I'll have an MRP or toast and peanut butter (yeeessss, peaaanut butter). I don't have the discipline of doing the mid-meals on the weekends either and then there's the wine after 3pm! Ah! I'm pathetic.


Corn Muffins

Raspberry Cottage Cheese

Shrimp Cocktail

Nutrition Bar


Blogger FV Tom said...

Outside of the Seven Words You Can't Say on TV, my next favorite Carlin quotes are the ones about our houses being places to store our stuff. Then, we get too much stuff and we gotta get a bigger house to store all that stuff.

1:15 PM  
Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

Love the Carlin quote!

Thanks for the links to some additional snacks.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Pearson said...

Hey Tom, I love that joke about Stuff too! Classic! I have to get a copy of Steve Martin's Wild and Crazy Guy. My brother had it when we were kids and listened to it over and over. I think a few of us can identify with the Cat Toys bit!

5:05 PM  

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