Thursday, January 05, 2006

Good Day

Today's Quote
A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
-Hugh Downs

I had a good day today. Slept the best last night than I have in days, two girlfriends I haven’t seen in a while said I had lost weight and was looking good, ate well today and got in day 4 Cardio at the gym.

I attribute my sleeplessness to not having had a drink since Sunday Jan. 2nd. I have cut out alcohol in order to speed up my fat loss on this challenge. Normally I would have 1-2 glasses of wine when I got home from work. It really does “take the edge off” as they say and now I know it really relaxed my brainwaves when I went to bed. When I go to bed without having had a drink my mind is wired, flitting from thought to thought, I can’t relax, I worry, and I have dream after dream after dream. I seem to wake up every 40 mins or so. I hate this. I have tried Melatonin. (for those of you that want to try it, it was suggested to me to take it about 10 mins before bedtime, opening two capsules under the tongue and drinking a glass of warm milk.) Melatonin didn’t work for me. I am one of those people where if a medication says it will make you drowsy – it does the opposite for me. I believe this is also one of those supplements that you have to take for a while to really see results. I sure couldn’t take more nights like that. It wasn’t AWFUL but it sure wasn’t the expected outcome. In November I had my yearly check up with the doctor and I talked to her about this sleeplessness. I’ve known her for years and she is aware that I’ve had this problem for many years. She prescribed Lorazapam. (aka Ativan). I haven’t tried it yet. I’m afraid to! I tried it 10 years ago when I was depressed and HATED IT. Okay I would have had a couple beer before bed and I took it and I had a horrible night! I felt like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown – more depressed with a dark cloud hanging over me.
Anyway, hope I sleep good tonight! Kinda looking forward to a bottle of wine this weekend…I’ll have to talk about my problem with goal setting another time…

So we are 5 days in to the New Year – how many NEW diets have you seen on the market already! Yesterday was The Sonoma diet. (This I could possibly do! Says I can have my wine and my cheese and eat it too!) Today I get an UNSOLICITED email from Prevention magazine touting The Flavor Point Diet.

“What if losing weight could be effortless? If you could watch those extra pounds just disappear? If diet foods and “meal replacements” tasted like the foods you crave, instead of like cardboard?” TRICK YOUR BRAIN INTO FEELING FULL, ANDWATCH THE POUNDS JUST DISAPPEAR!At some point during every eating experience, we all begin to feel full and fulfilled. When you reach that point of fulfillment—
the Flavor Point—you stop eating. If you reach the Flavor Point early enough, you will feel full on fewer calories. If you reach the Flavor Point too late, you overeat. By combining foods by flavor, The Flavor Point Diet tricks the brain into being satisfied all day long…helping you reach your Flavor Point more quickly, fill up on fewer calories, and lose that extra weight once and for all—with almost no effort!

Give me a break! Come on people! Anything worth having is worth striving for. It don’t come easy. It takes dedication. A plan. A new mindset. A lifestyle change.(And let us not forget exersize!) Then when it is truly a lifestyle…it is easy…or easier. There will still be temptations. But the more good days you have on plan, then you can treat yourself to the things that are only reserved for special occasions.

Diet Tip of the Day: Make your resolution to change one thing weekly. Instead of resolving to lose 20 pounds in a month, stop drinking soda. Drink one less soda a day and you'll save over 1,000 calories a week. In just one month, you'll lose a pound without much effort. Small changes pay off in big rewards.

Sorry Tom. No jokes today.


Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

Great tip!

9:07 AM  
Blogger FV Tom said...

Geez, Jen, I kept reading all this serious stuff looking for the punch line. (I did appreciate Hugh Downs' quote.) You Canadians are funny. Bet you didn't know that I'm one-eighth Canadian. One of my Grandma's was from Ontario. They are not as funny as you Westerners, eh?

Anyway, good for you giving up alcohol. I have not done that. I really like to have a couple beers after work. And I'm not in that big a hurry to win the Mr Olympia contest.

Be good.

1:07 PM  
Blogger havlow said...

Hey Thanks for the tip at the end. That's a great way to look at things and definitely what got me back on track and into BFL this summer. Stopped the sodas and started losing weight and then I though...hmmm lets take this up a notch lol!!

Starting C2 tommorow so you guys look out!!

10:23 PM  

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